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did you know (1)

the risk of styrofoam and plastic packaging

did you know..? the Water inside the plastic bottles at your car, it is very dangerous! This has been identified as the main cause of breast cancer, especially in Australia.

The doctor said that the heat heats the plastic material in the bottle has a certain chemical that can cause breast cancer. So please be careful and do not drink water in plastic bottles that have been left in the car, and tell it to your female friends.

one more tips, Do not ever make a hot drink with a plastic cup. Because when you pour hot water into the glass from the plastic compound they will come dissolved with water. And when you drink it, you must be feeling a little headache. and if you are the man who like to consume noodles or food packaging materials styrofoam. As much as possible do not directly brewed it with hot water using the styrofoam packaged.

Google slap by News Corp Leader

the new online media contents battles are being started. Microsoft said that they will pay for any media that would remove all the contents from google search results. according to the AFP , this is being discussed between the microsoft with Rupert Murdoch, owner of the leading media network, News Corp.
the search engine providers should not be casually indexing content without approval and get paid with fair. Murdoch gave statement that he will erase all his online media content from the google search engine in the last two years. Murdoch said, it is so harmful for the media because it does not provide significant compensation when Google compared to what obtained.
Murdoch also said that the content is not supposed to be free on the internet. This is the way how the media can persist in the online businnes.


why did my blog named Google connect?

there are some reason to answer the question.

1. Google was the first search engine that i knowed in the internet
2. Untill now, Google always help me to find data information who associated with my daily duty
3. Peoples has acknowledged that Google is the largest search engine data stored
4. Google provides a variety of software that is all we need.
5. Google make me connect with the peoples
... and many more google excess that you have been know

google connect, the deepest appreciation for google who has helped me to learn more about the world